
Confort dual seat R80

"Confort" dual seat reproduction on black color for R80-R80RT; R65; R100RS-R100RT (85-95) with metal base, black cover seat, hinges and pin lock included.

Tax included


R 2V » R65, R80, R80 RT (85 - 95):
R65 (20KW) (0451) (1985 - 1993)
R65 (35KW) (0452) (1985 - 1988)
R65 RT (0456) (1985 - 1988)
R80 (0453) (1984 - 1995)
R80 RT (0457) (1984 - 1995).

R 2V » R65, R80, R80 RT (85 - 95):
R65 (20KW) (0451) (1985 - 1993)
R65 (35KW) (0452) (1985 - 1988)
R65 RT (0456) (1985 - 1988)
R80 (0453) (1984 - 1995)
R80 RT (0457) (1984 - 1995).